Last weekend I went to see the movie "How To Be Single". It was a cute movie and I would definitely recommend it. Without giving anything away, I thought the movie did a good job of showing single women that it's important to learn who they are and not lose themselves in a relationship. When I got home after the movie I was inspired to write a manifesto as a single girl. I wanted to remind myself how to cherish this time being single because it won't last forever. So I asked on Facebook and Instagram for women to finish this sentence, "While I am single, I want to appreciate and enjoy..." And with that input and a lot of thoughts that I already had in my head, I wrote this Single Girl Manifesto: I am a single girl. I believe in love, but haven’t found it yet. I choose to be happy being single. I know it will not last forever and I appreciate every moment so that I can look back and know I made the most of it. I am open to falling in love, but will not settle for less than I deserve. I'd rather be alone than be in an unhappy relationship. I am learning to love myself unconditionally. I am figuring out my own identity so that I can be “me” even when I’m in a relationship or when I have started a family. I treat my body with love and respect by eating healthy and by moving and stretching it regularly. I forgive myself for past mistakes and appreciate the lessons I have learned from them. I'll forgive my friends who forget about me when they start dating someone and I'll be there for them if their hearts get broken. I won't forget the "sprinkles" of life, like wearing perfume to bed, lighting candles, and eating good chocolate. I enjoy sleeping in the middle of the bed. I appreciate peace & quiet. I enjoy having a clean and organized house. I spoil myself unapologetically. I go to movies alone and relish the fact that I didn't have to compromise on which movie to see. And I'm glad I don't have to share my popcorn with anyone. I am not afraid to travel alone so that I can see the world and meet new people. If I see an elderly couple holding hands I will hope I can have a love that timeless. I dream about my Prince Charming and I know that one day he will find me. I have a Pinterest board of my fantasy wedding. I know I am right where I am meant to be right now. And I’m excited to see what my future holds. That's all I've got so far, but I'm sure this will change and grow as time goes on. I'd love to hear what other items you would add that you did or do love about being a single lady. Share in the comments below!
Today I'm starting my third week of my third round of 21 Day Fix. An optional part of this week is to do double workouts, so that would be days 15 through 21. Even though this is my third round of 21 Day Fix, I wasn't quite ready to take on double workouts in my first two rounds. But this time, I've decided to push myself and make the commitment to do two workouts a day for every day this week! I know that working out 14 times in one week is not going to be easy, but at the same time I'm actually excited for this challenge to see how hard I can push myself. I'm ready to step outside of my comfort zone and make this happen. So today, for example, I did a 30 minute full-body workout that includes a mixture of cardio and strength training. I've been doing this routine weekly ever since I started 21 Day Fix and it's still tough to get through. I'm always red-faced and drenched in sweat by the time I get it done. But I'm always proud of myself for starting another week on a strong note, so that feels good. Then later today I'll be doing an ab workout. It should take about 20 minutes, so all together I'll have worked out for about 50 minutes today. That's not even very extreme, but the tough part is that they want you to do the workouts at different times so that you're getting your metabolism revved up twice in a day. It's actually really smart and it's supposed to help get you even better results. Speaking of results, I weighed myself this morning and have lost 18.2 pounds so far. Just last week I lost 2.2 pounds, which puts me right on track to hit my goal weight before my cruise at the end of April. All I need to do is keep up the hard work and I should be looking and feeling pretty darn good by the time I go on my trip. I can't wait! Another exciting thing happening this week is that my team is hosting a coaching sneak peak event on Facebook, so if you've ever wondered what I do as a Beachbody coach, now is a great time to jump in and learn what it's all about. And, on top of everything else, I announced today that there will be an accountability group starting on March 7. This group is a great way to give yourself a kickstart and really dive into a program. The last day to sign up is next Monday, so don't delay if this is something you're interested in. Okay, so I just dumped a lot of information on you at once. So if you're interested in the coaching sneak peak or in joining the accountability group, either comment below or email me at [email protected]. And don't forget to bookmark this blog if you like it and share it with any friends who might also enjoy reading it!
You've probably heard of overnight oats before and you may have already tried them and loved them. But I'm late to the bandwagon and just realized how amazing they are. I had tried overnight oats a few months ago and didn't like the texture, so I had written them off as not being for me. And then I found steel cut oats and fell in love with them. I decided to give overnight oats one more shot and I'm so glad I did because they were amazing! So here are some recipes that I'll be trying over the next few days. Here's the recipe from Dashing Dish for Strawberry Shortcake Overnight Oats. Here are two recipes that I found on Fit Foodie Finds And here are a couple of other recipes from Amy's Healthy Baking and Food Done Light. Let me know in the comments if you have any other recipes for overnight oats that you would recommend.
As of today, I have been a Beachbody coach for exactly four months. In some ways it's gone incredibly fast and in other ways it's been the longest four months of my life (for both good and bad reasons). I feel like I've already shared all of my good experiences over the last four months, to the point where I almost feel fake by not talking about the hard things I've gone through. So today I'm going to be completely open and transparent about how hard the last four months have been. I'm not sharing this to be a downer or to get you to feel sorry for me. I simply want to show you that behind all of the upbeat posts and shiny pictures is someone who is just as real and broken as anyone else. Let's start at the beginning. Four months ago when I signed up as a coach I was in one of the darkest periods in my life. I had basically hit rock bottom. When I looked in the mirror I didn't recognize myself, both physically and emotionally. Physically, I was the heaviest I had ever been in my entire life, literally 100 pounds overweight. And emotionally, I felt empty inside, which showed in my eyes when I looked in the mirror. I was desperate for a change and had thought of many ways that I could start over, from starting a new job to moving across the country. I was in dire need of a fresh start. When I heard about the Beachbody coaching opportunity I knew immediately that it was what I had been waiting for. This was the change that would give me the opportunity to start new and find the old me. My plan was to follow 21 Day Fix and get back to a healthy weight while also building my own business, which would give me both purpose and passion back into my life. At first I felt euphoric and I was amazed at how much better I felt almost immediately. I was excited to get out of bed each day and I had pages of lists on everything that I wanted to accomplish. And I was making it happen. I quickly started to lose weight and was getting positive feedback about my choice to start my own business. I felt unstoppable. But then reality started to set in. Not every day was a great day and I started to lose those feelings of euphoria. There were days when I just couldn't make myself work out, even though I knew that was one of the main tasks of being a coach and even though losing weight and getting healthier was something that I wanted more than anything else. Sometimes that just wasn't even enough to get me moving. And so I started to doubt myself and wonder if I was really cut out to be a coach. I was determined to share my story and hoped I was still inspiring people to change their lives, but at the same time I was starting to lose momentum in changing my own life. Around the holidays I basically gave up on trying to be productive and stopped trying to stay on track. I told myself that once the new year hit I would get back to it and start fresh...again. Six weeks have gone by since the new year started and honestly, things still aren't where I would like them to be. This past week I was in Texas for work and I had every intention of working out in my hotel room each night and of making healthy food choices despite the fact that I would be eating out every meal for four days. While I did give myself some leeway on food choices, I was able to start each day with a healthy breakfast and also accomplish my goal of not eating any dessert while I was gone. But…I did zero workouts. So that makes me feel like crap. I told myself I would do something and I didn't do it. Period. Today's a new day and another fresh start, so to speak. I've got plans for getting back on track (again) and am hopeful that I can stick to it this time. Truthfully I was almost too afraid to weigh myself this morning because I didn't want to see how much progress I've lost. When I did weigh myself I realized that I haven't lost any weight for a month. Sigh. I am hopeful that I will have a good week and can eat healthy and work out and basically treat my body the way it deserves to be treated, which is with respect and love. So that's it, that's my whole story. Thankfully it doesn't end here and there's plenty of time to turn things around and build the life I've imagined. I'm determined not to give up and I am grateful to know that I'm not alone. I truly appreciate all of the love and support I've been given by the people in my life. I do realize I am my own biggest critic and am going to start focusing on how I can make each day count. I hope this was helpful for you to hear. We all know that no one's life is perfect and that everyone publicly shares the good stuff and tends to gloss over the not-so-good stuff. My main goal is to be open and honest with you throughout my journey so that you know you're not the only one who has bad days. If I can help just one person get through a hard day they are having then I have accomplished my goal.
If you’ve been reading the last four posts about the coaching sneak peak, then you’ve already learned a lot about being a Beachbody coach. Now you know what a coach is and what a day typically looks like for a coach. I have also answered some frequently asked questions and told you my story about how being a coach has changed my life. So now it’s time for you to think about whether or not you think this is an opportunity you’d like to take. Maybe you’ve been thinking about this over the last few days as my posts have been published. Or maybe you are just now considering this as an option. Either way, just remember that coaching is about living a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. It doesn’t matter what your goals are (physical, financial, etc), the end result is helping other people change their lives. I’d like to share something from the head coaches of my team. This is a list they published that explains who would make a great coach. So, as a recap of what we would consider an "IDEAL COACH":
At this point I’ve given you an overview of what it looks like to be a coach and how it could affect your life. Now it’s up to you to decide whether you’re ready. Some coaches just know that this is what they are supposed to do. And some coaches are still hesitant but know that they need to at least try this out to decide if it’s the right path for them. You might just need to take the opportunity and invest in growing yourself. Remember, we all start small and out of our comfort zone. This is about deciding that you want more out of life so you can live your best life possible. Here are some options for you:
Leave a comment below or email me at [email protected] and I will help you figure out what to do next! Usually I consider myself a planner. I make checklists and write out pros and cons before making a big decision. However, when I heard about the Beachbody coaching opportunity I somehow had a feeling it was exactly what I wanted to do almost immediately. I just knew in my gut that this was the change I had been looking for. I had wanted something in my life that would give me purpose and passion, and being a coach helped me find both of those. Here’s a video explaining my mindset when I signed up and how being a coach has affected my life. One of the most amazing parts of being a Beachbody coach is the community you are a part of. Not only are you a part of the team you signed up with, you will also have the chance to build your own team of coaches. The team I’m a part of is called Inspire Joy. Isn’t that an awesome name? This is a group of women who are all so inspiring and encouraging to anyone who joins them. You really will feel like you’re part of a family. They will help you through your rough patches and celebrate your successes. It’s truly an amazing experience! So now the next step is as simple as deciding that you don’t want to let this opportunity pass you by! The possibilities are truly endless, all you need to do is figure out what will make you happier & healthier and then make it happen. I can’t wait to work with you and see what you’ve got in store! When you’re ready to take the leap of faith, email me at [email protected] and we will figure out how to get you started on the next chapter of your new life!
Here are some questions that I asked when I was deciding to sign up as a Beachbody coach. Everyone has fears and doubts before they decide to sign up, but ultimately once you know what to expect as a coach you really will see what an amazing opportunity it is! Do I have to be at my goal weight in order to be a coach?
Will I be a salesperson? Will I be bothering my friends and family?
If I’m not a salesperson, how do I make money?
Now I have some questions for you:
If you answered yes to either of these questions, I can help you get past these issues and really re-define your vision for your life and your future. Are you ready to change your life? If so, don’t wait another minute! Email me at [email protected] and we will start talking about how your life is going to change!
A typical day as a Beachbody coach is broken into what are called “3 Vital Behaviors”. Here is a description of each behavior as well as how they can be completed each day. Product of the Product:
Personal Development:
In order to complete these 3 Vital Behaviors, you can schedule a “power hour” for yourself each day. It’s all about working smarter, not harder. You will get out of your business whatever you put into it. When combined, these three daily tasks will snowball together and you can begin to see huge results in a short amount of time. I want to show you how this is an opportunity to be a part of something truly special and life changing. Believe in yourself and anything can happen! I can’t wait to work with you, so if this is something you can’t pass up, let me know in the comments below or email me at [email protected] and we can start talking about next steps!
Welcome to my coaching sneak peak blog series! I am so excited that you are interested in learning more about what it’s like to be a Beachbody coach. I truly believe this is something that could make your life better and you will be amazed at how great it feels! I think you have found this series at the exact right moment and for the exact right reason, which means you want to help others and to become a better and healthier version of you. A coach is simply a person who has signed up with Beachbody to coach others in their health and fitness journeys. You don’t have to be an expert in order to be a coach; all you need to do is be willing to start your own journey and help others as they start theirs. As a coach you will share your story and inspire others to join you. Coaching is for people:
That’s it! It really is that simple! In case you want to hear a little bit more, here's a quick video about who makes a good Beachbody coach: Tomorrow I will go over a typical day as a Beachbody coach so you can see what it involves on a daily basis.
Until then, if you already know that this is an opportunity you cannot miss, don’t wait until this 5 day series is over, let me know now so that I can help you get the ball rolling and jump into this amazing opportunity! I wanted to put together a series of blog posts to explain what it’s like to be a Beachbody coach and how you can decide whether it’s the right opportunity for you. Coaching has been the best decision I’ve ever made, so I want every single one of you to know how amazing it can be and not miss the chance to change your own life for the better. Over the next five days I will be writing the following posts:
My hope is that you will be able to use these posts to learn about what it takes to be a Beachbody coach. It’s a big decision to sign up as a coach, so I want to provide as much information as possible so you can make an informed decision on whether this will be a good choice for you. So stay tuned each day this week for more information about being a coach. Feel free to comment below with any questions I can try to answer for you over the course of the week. |
AuthorMy name is Beth and I live in Denver. I am a single lady in my 30's and wanted to start sharing my awesome and amazing life through a blog. Categories
January 2018