This is going to be a fairly short blog post. Basically, I wanted to check in and let you know that I finished my second round of 21 Day Fix yesterday. Due to a number of reasons, I had some issues with staying motivated during this round, so I definitely didn't do as well as I would have liked to. My main goal after this round is to take a break for the holidays and come back in the new year feeling refreshed and ready to kick some butt in 2016! Like the quote above says, I know I CAN do this and that means I WILL do this. I'll be doing another post closer to when I start again to explain the lessons I've learned so far and what I plan on doing differently moving forward.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!
We all know that nobody is perfect and it's impossible to do things 100% right all the time. In the spirit of being completely honest, this has probably been the hardest week I've had since starting the 21 Day Fix. My motivation has been lacking big time and I haven't felt nearly as dedicated compared to how I had been feeling. I think a big part of it is that I've been so busy with the holidays coming up and I basically just don't have the energy or time to focus as much on my health and fitness. That probably sounds like an excuse, but it really is the truth. I've been so overwhelmed trying to get through the days that I feel like I can't even focus on following a strict nutrition plan or working out every day. Part of me does feel disappointed in myself, especially because my weight loss journey is so public and I feel like I'm supposed to show everyone how hard I can work and how successful I can be when I put my mind to it. But in all honesty, I know that I am doing my best and I am trying not to beat myself up too much for falling short of my goals. And overall, I know this is a temporary setback. My company closes on Friday for two weeks, so pretty soon I will have a lot more free time to spend on working out and making meal plans. And then once the holidays are over I am planning on getting back in full swing. I've already made so much progress that I am determined to keep going and prove to myself that I really can do anything I set my mind to. I hope this is a good reminder that we all fall short of our goals sometimes and that the best thing we can do when we fail is to pick ourselves up and try again.
Now I'd like to hear from you. What are some ways that you re-charge your motivation when you're having a hard week? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Today is the beginning of my second week doing my second round of the 21 Day Fix, otherwise known as "week 7". I've officially been doing the 21 day Facebook challenge group for a week now and it's really going well. Each morning we get a post about something motivational or informative and each night we check in and rate our nutrition and workout for the day. It's been a great way to stay motivated, especially knowing that I'll be checking in later that day to report how my day went. Today is also the first day of the clean eating challenge I'm running on Facebook. There are 7 of us total in the group and it feels like a good number of people. Not too many where it's overwhelming but just enough to keep the posts interesting and give people a chance to interact with each other and motivate each other. I will be running a free group every month and they won't always be clean eating groups. I'll be switching it up and making them different each month so that there's always something new for the people who have done one before. As far as my own personal progress goes, I feel like I'm still noticing a big difference in how I look and feel. I'm not working out 7 days a week like the schedule says, but I am still happy that I am getting a lot more exercise than I was before I started this whole thing. I'm also eating SO much better. It's amazing that I don't actually crave junk food anymore. The first couple weeks of my first round I indulged on pizza for a Friday night treat, but lately that hasn't even been sounding good to me. It's nice knowing that I can treat myself if I want to, but also a great feeling to know that it's not something I need to do unless I really want it. Another bonus is that I'm actually looking forward to getting weighed at the doctor for my annual physical coming up in January. It will be nice to see the number go down for a change instead of stressing about how much it went up! Things have been really busy with work and running my Beachbody coaching business, but I'm going to try really hard to get back into posting more than once a week. I would like to do some more recipes as well as book reviews and a new reading list for 2016. So stay tuned and let me know if there is anything you would like to see me post about.
I decided to start counting the weeks of my 21 Day Fix transformation instead of days because it was getting too hard to keep track of which day I was on! So today is the beginning of my 6th week doing the 21 Day Fix. Instead of doing this round on my own, I have decided to join a challenge group. I will continue to blog the whole way through this round so that you can follow me and find out what it's like to be a part of this type of group.
Since you might not know what a challenge group is, I wanted to spend some time today explaining their purpose so that you understand what I am doing and how this is affecting my weight loss transformation. Basically, I am in a group on Facebook where I am working with other people who are also trying to lose weight and get healthy. The accountability part comes in because you usually do a daily check-in where you rate your workout and your nutrition for the day. To me, the best part about being in a challenge group is that I am not alone in this journey. It gives me a place to go where I can talk about what I'm going through (good or bad) and get advice, support, and motivation from the other people in the group. Sounds nice, right? It gets even better because the challenge group is totally free as long as you already have a Beachbody fitness program and are on a home direct order of Shakeology. If you've already invested in these things, you might as well connect with other people who are on the same wavelength as you, right? In order to give a sneak peak into what a full 21-day challenge group looks like, I am going to be hosting my own free 5-day clean eating group, starting on December 7, You don't need to have purchased anything from Beachbody to join this group, so let me know in the comments below if you are interested and I will reach out to you so we can talk about your goals. You can also sign up here: Beside Beth Clean Eating Group. It has been a while since I updated you on my progress with the 21 Day Fix. I finished my first round a little over a week ago. After finishing that first three weeks, I decided to take a small break before starting another round of 21 days. I knew that with the holiday coming up I would probably not be able to stick to the plan as closely as I would like to, so I will be re-starting again next Monday, November 30. In between rounds, I am still continuing to keep up with my workouts and have still been eating as healthy as possible. I haven't been measuring food in my containers, but I feel like I have a good idea of how much food I should be eating, so I'm sticking to that and only eating when I'm hungry. I am excited to start another round next week, especially because I'll be joining an accountability group on Facebook with other people who are also following the same program. We will be holding each other accountable and helping anyone who needs extra support or motivation. Overall, it should be a great experience. Throughout the challenge, I will be blogging to let you know how it's going and how I am feeling. Like I said in my last post, I won't be weighing myself throughout the next round, but I will post my total weight lost at the end. Instead of dwelling on a number on the scale, I am hoping to focus on how I feel and how my body is changing as I continue to push it through the workouts and provide it healthy fuel by eating well. If you have any questions or would like to find out how to sign up for the 21 Day Fix, please feel free to leave a comment below and I will get back to you right away.
This is it...I've officially reached day 21 of the 21 Day Fix! I'm going to keep this short and sweet, but didn't want to ignore such a momentous day!! Last time I wrote I had lost 12 pounds. When I weighed myself this morning that number had changed, so now I have officially lost 11 pounds from my heaviest weight. After weighing myself I also checked my measurements against where I was 21 days ago. Overall, I lost 10 inches around my body!! And 2 of those inches were from my waist! So I would definitely say that I saw some great results, wouldn't you? Now you might be asking what the plan is moving forward. I'm still going to continue with the 21 Day Fix, but I'm going to change up how I've been doing it. On November 30 I will be joining a challenge group (also known as an accountability group) on Facebook. This group will help hold me accountable and give me encouragement along the way. As I do this challenge group I am going to stop focusing so much on the number on the scale and instead focus on how I'm feeling. I want to make sure I'm not obsessing over a number and letting that determine my happiness. Instead, I want to spend time making sure I feel like I've done my best and that I'm proud of the work I've done. I will be blogging the whole way through the challenge so you can hear how it goes. I hope this all makes sense and that you stick with me during this next phase of the program! As always, if you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer them.
It's hard to believe that I'm just a few days away from finishing my first round of the 21 Day Fix! I can't decide if it feels like it's gone by way too fast or if it seems like forever since I started. Maybe a little bit of both, if that's even possible. Last time I wrote I mentioned that I had lost a total of 10 pounds, and yesterday when I weighed myself that number actually jumped to just over 12 pounds. It feels amazing to see the number on the scale going down for a change instead of slowly going up and up! Today I wanted to spend some time answering some frequently asked questions about the program. Obviously I'm not an expert after only doing this for a couple of weeks, but I know I had some basic questions before I started and I wanted to make sure to address those for anyone else who is curious. FAQ's: How hard are the workouts? Can a beginner do them?
What equipment do I need for the workouts?
How do the containers work? How do I know how many containers I get for a day?
What if I can't finish the food in all of my containers?
Can I follow the 21 Day Fix if I'm vegetarian or vegan?
How many rounds should I do?
As always, please remember that this information is based on my own experience and does not replace the official information that is given by Beachbody. I hope this post answered some of your questions about the 21 Day Fix! If you have any other questions please post them in the comments below and I'll get back to you right away.
If you're interested in starting the 21 Day Fix (or any other Beachbody fitness program or Shakeology), please click the email icon at the top of the screen and send me an email so we can talk about your goals and so I can help you figure out which program will work best for you. I'd be happy to help you get started on your own journey to health and fitness! This past weekend I was looking for a healthy and delicious recipe for a special breakfast. I remembered seeing an Instagram post the previous week with a recipe for a breakfast bake that I had wanted to try out. Yes, you heard that right. I actually found a new recipe somewhere other than Pinterest! Shocking, I know... I already had all of the ingredients, so I decided to go ahead and make it. I had heard that you could also cook the dough in the microwave for 2 minutes, but for my first try I wanted to follow the recipe exactly the way it was written and use the oven. It turned out fantastic and was so tasty & filling. I liked it so much that the next day I made the brownie batter breakfast bake from the same website. Here is the link to access the original post from Running With Spoons in case you want to see her other recipes. And here is the Oatmeal Cookie Dough Breakfast Bake recipe for you to try: Ingredients:
Notes: * If you don't have almond meal, you can replace it with an equal amount of oat flour. To make oat flour, simply grind rolled oats in a food processor or blender until they reach a floury consistency. ** Feel free to sub with raisins or nuts for some added nutrition. Let me know in the comments below if you try this recipe and whether you think it is delicious!
I am so excited to tell you guys that I have lost 10 pounds since I started the 21 Day Fix! I knew that I would see results, but I'm amazed at how much of a difference just two weeks has made! And don't get me wrong, I have not followed this program perfectly. There have been days when I didn't work out and days when I didn't eat completely healthy, but overall I've stuck to the plan and it has paid off in a major way! The other thing I'm excited to tell you about is that I have officially signed up as a Beachbody coach. I posted my story on Facebook, so click here if you didn't see the post and want to know the backstory. Although deciding to be a coach wasn't something I had to think about for very long, I knew in my gut that it was the right thing for me to do. I had a feeling that I would be able to accomplish some great things if I signed up. My main goal as a coach is to help as many people as possible. I know what it feels like to think your health is out of control and to feel like you will never get to a healthy weight. Honestly, I still have those days myself and I know that I have a long journey ahead of me. But I truly believe that everyone is capable of living the life they've imagined as long as they have the right tools, are willing to push themselves to work hard, and never give up. That's where I am at in my weight loss journey. What about you? If you are ready to take your life into your own hands, then comment below or send me a Facebook message so that we can talk about how I can help you get started on this journey.
Have you ever noticed how slowly time seems to go when you're counting days? Whether you are counting down to something exciting or you are keeping track of how many days you have done something, either way time seems to drag. Doesn't it? I was thinking of this last night because I was getting down on myself for not being able to see results in the mirror from doing the 21 Day Fix. Then I realized...I've only been doing this for 11 days! Of course I don't see results yet!! Realistically, anything having to do with weight loss is going to take some time before you can tell a difference in the mirror, no matter how extreme it is. Here's a quote I found on Pinterest that helps me keep things in perspective: That seems about right, doesn't it? So although it feels like I've been eating healthy and working out for a long time, I still haven't hit that 4 week mark where I see it. I do, however, already feel some changes in my body. I can tell that my muscles are starting to come back and my flexibility is also getting better every day. Speaking of results, what I wanted to talk to you about today is something I don't think I've mentioned yet, and that is the part about me drinking Shakeology every day. I started the same day I began using the containers and have definitely noticed a big difference in my appetite and my cravings. In case you haven't heard of it, Shakeology is basically a super food meal replacement shake that provides you all of the nutrients you're probably missing from your diet. I will admit, I was a little skeptical about the taste of Shakeology before I got my package, but I was pleasantly surprised at how good it tastes. I especially love the chocolate flavor. It might sound crazy, but I actually look forward to drinking it every day because it tastes so good. The other nice part is that there are so many different ways to prepare it. Here are some of my favorites:
And there are so many more's crazy! You can also order the Shakeology to come in packets, which makes it nice and easy to take with you either to work or when you're traveling. The 21 Day Fix comes with a shaker bottle (in the picture above), so you can take that with you and add water to any of the flavors for a quick and healthy meal. So that's my update for halfway through my second week on the 21 Day Fix. I'll post another update at the 14 day week mark so you can see how I've done after a full two weeks. As always, if you have any questions please leave them in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer them!
AuthorMy name is Beth and I live in Denver. I am a single lady in my 30's and wanted to start sharing my awesome and amazing life through a blog. Categories
January 2018